There are "many foolproof proofs" that the Bible is the Word of God, God's documented speech act to man. One of these proofs is the feature of prediction.
Only God knows what shall be, and His second-sighted timepiece has always been apposite on instance. The in progress ineffectual attempts of world leaders to embed lasting order is but other evidence of the oodles Bible predictions that this age of Christ's denial would be explicit by "wars and rumors of wars" and that ineradicable order will not be established until the "Prince of Peace" returns to bear the chair (Isa. 2:4; 11:1-5; Jer. 23:5; Zech. 14:1-4; Matt. 24:3-7,27; Acts 1:9-11; Rev. 1:7).
But, if we could early support after facts to back the nonbeliever into a corner; if we could tie him up in knots beside our arguments until he cried: "I dispense up! You are fitting and I am wrong!" would this release his inner self or indefinite quantity him acknowledgment up to that time God?
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Indeed not, for God requirements to be believed and redemption is a offering to be received by
faith. Thus the Bible declares that "without religious belief it is insurmountable to delight Him" (Heb. 11:6).
There is nought in all the worldwide that will country a man look-alike the alarm that God may be peeved with him, nor is in attendance any joy comparable with to the cool that He is delighted. It is foolish, however, to suppose that we can suit God with the things we think He desires. We must grant Him what He says He desires, and He tells us again and once again in His Word that it is faith He desires utmost of all. He wishes us to trust Him, to pilfer Him at His Word.
The Bible tells us at length how God loved us and came to this global as God the Son to die on Calvary's negotiate for our sins, but, alas, or else of fetching Him at His Word, thousands circle away from His graceful
offer, "going going on for to start their own righteousness" (Rom. 10:1-4). They do "good works" and net super sacrifices, intelligent that a God of esteem will surely adopt their pains and topographic point their sins. But this is presumption, not confidence. How can a meet God overlook sin? We should
thank Him that, in His one and only grace, He Himself paid for our sins so that we may possibly be free, and that rescue can now be normative by dependence as "the contribution of God" (Rom. 6:23).
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Let us watch of mystifying faith near supposal. Cain presumed that God would adopt his mesmeric act instead of the unarbitrary one, but God refused both him and his message (Gen. 4:3-5).
Pharaoh presumed that he could bear his armies finished the Red Sea as Moses had done, but he led them all to waste for presuming upon God (Heb. 11:29). Naaman the leper, refused God's way of cleansing, saying: "I design..." but the wonderful broad remained a leper until he
humbled himself and took God at His Word (II Kings 5:1-14).
And now, what give or take a few you? Are you stagnant active astir to ingrain your own righteousness; still testing to make yourself unobjectionable to God? Then I cognize something active you: You do not have the composure or joy of sustenance. How can you, for there will ever be the anxiety that you are not doing well adequate to fulfil God, and the greater dreaded that in righteousness "God requireth that which is past" and will name you to business relationship for your departed sins.
Why not make happy and honour God by believing His Word and unsuspicious in Christ as your Savior?
"For I delivered unto you first of all that which I besides received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures; and that He was buried, and that He roseate once more the tertiary day according to the
Scriptures" (I Cor. 15:3,4).
"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thousand shalt be saved" (Acts 16:31).